Hair transplantation is the most permanent way of regaining lost hair follicles. It is a microsurgical intervention preferred by surgeons and patients since the 90s as a permanent solution to the destruction of hair follicles as a result of hair loss due to hereditary or external factors, resulting baldness. It is the process of transplanting hair follicle bundles, called follicular unit, from the donor area, that is, from the nape area behind the two ears, to the area where hair growth is desired. Contrary to popular belief, hair transplantation is a complicated procedure. It is indispensable to make the transplanted hair look natural and not to damage the donor area, and this affects the density and appearance of the hair that grows after transplanting. For this reason, it should be carried out under the control of a team of experts and a doctor.

To whom can hair transplantation be applied?

Today, almost 50 percent of men over the age of 50 are faced with the problem of hair loss. Therefore, hair transplantation is the most applied cosmetic surgery for men. Hair loss is not just for men. Many women may also experience hair loss or thinning.

Why does hair loss occur?

One of the most important causes of hair loss is genetic coding; however, it can also occur as a result of advancing age, traumatic injuries or various medical disorders. After being diagnosed with a doctor's control, hair transplantation is successfully applied to all people with sufficient hair follicles in the donor area.


The transplantation method can be applied successfully not only in the scalp but also in the loss of hair in all areas of the body such as eyebrows, mustache or beard.

Basic Stages of Hair Transplantation

1. Collection of hair follicles

After the donor area is prepared for the procedure, the hair follicles are collected one by one with the FUE motor. In the meantime, it is very important that the roots are not damaged. Each of these roots, called grafts, contains an average of 2-3 hairs.

2. Opening channels

Opening the channels at the right size and depth according to the region affects the rate of hair growth. Care should be taken to open a channel suitable for the size and length of the hair follicle to be transplanted. The angle of the canal should also be well adjusted to obtain the most natural view.

3. Planting the roots in the opened canals

At the last stage, the collected roots are placed in the opened channels one by one at 40-45 degree angles and the hair transplant operation is completed.

How Many Days Should I Allocate for Hair Transplant Operation?

It will be sufficient for the patient to allocate 2 days for the hair transplant operation, taking into account the pre and post processes.